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ADHD, Mental Health, & Educational Testing & Evaluation for
Adolescents, & 

We Want Your Family To Thrive​




We believe that individuals with ADHD and their families are generally doing the best they can with what they have and with what they have access to. In our experience, we have met very few “bad” parents. Rather, we have worked with many, many “good” parents who love their kids very deeply but feel like they have tried everything and don’t know what else to do next. If your child has ADHD, it is not something you caused or are at fault for. It’s not your child’s fault either. And it’s not something they are doing “on purpose” or just to spite you.


Though we know it can feel like that, sometimes!!!


You've arrived at this point in seeking an ADHD evaluation not because this is something new or your first step. Your child has been struggling for some time and you are feeling exhausted as a parent. We don't want to add to the fatigue or stress you're already feeling, which is why we've tried to streamline our process to make it as accessible and easy to navigate as possible. 


As Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, we are committed to providing you and your family with a comprehensive, evidence-based, ADHD mental health testing and evaluation process. 


We have 2 fully licensed & ADHD Certified Clinical Service Providers who offer comprehensive mental health & educational testing and evaluation of ADHD for children ages 6 through 17, as well

as for adults. Looking for just the Educational Testing of IQ & Ability (without ADHD assessment)--we can do that too!




 Step One--Reach Out: 

Call us or submit an inquiry here: ADHD Eval Inquiry. 


 Step Two--Screening: 

We'll reach out to you to do a brief screening via phone.

More than anything, we want to make sure we're a good fit for what you're looking for.

This screening call is a good opportunity to ask any questions you might have about our process.


 Step Three--Paperwork: 

We'll mail you a packet that includes the teacher, parent and/or spouse forms

required for our evaluation.

We do have a $100 non-refundable assessment & materials deposit

that we collect before sending you the packet.

This cost will go toward the full cost of the evaluation as long as you move forward with the process.

This packet includes a series of standardized rating scales, specifically designed to pull out the data needed to help us get the most accurate picture of you or your child

and family's functioning, as well as possible areas of impairment. 

We'll also ask you to send us copies of any previous mental health, psychological or educational testing completed, as well as previously completed school reports

(i.e., report cards, EOGs, CogAT, 504/IEP plans, etc).

These can be faxed securely to 1.888.475.8311 or emailed to


 Step Four--Intake Meetings: 

We'll schedule a 2.5 hour parent intake meeting and a separate 1 hour child/adolescent meeting,

during which we'll gather more information via semi-structured interviews.

We'll need that packet completed and received at least 1 week before the scheduled meetings

so we have time to review them before we meet.

A portion of the full cost is due at the parent meeting.​ 

These fees will be outlined for you in the consent form you sign. 

If you are pursuing the full PsychoEducational evaluation (including intelligence & ability testing),

there will be an additional 2-6+ hours of testing with your child/adolescent,

at which time an additional portion of the full cost will be due.

This testing may be scheduled on the same day or across several days.


 Step Five--Analyze, Score, & Diagnosis: 

We will analyze all the various sources of information and data collected &

integrate them into a cohesive and comprehensive report.

If the data collected indicates a diagnosis,

we'll include one, along with recommendations for how to support your child.

This report will include a narrative history of symptom progression, a description and discussion of assessment results, including status relative to same-age peers,

a diagnosis if indicated, recommendations for treatment,

and a list of resources that may be helpful to you and your child.

If further testing is indicated beyond what we are able to offer,

we will make a recommendation to a provider/practice that offers the testing needed. 


 Step Six--Feedback Meeting: 

We'll schedule â€‹a 1 hour feedback session, during which we'll provide you copies

of the report (paper and PDF), summarizing all of the findings and review the results.

Any remaining balance is due at the feedback meeting

and before the report is released to you. 


 Optional Strategy & Brainstorming Session: 

Some of our families want more than the feedback session allows.

During the 2-hour Strategy & Brainstorming session,

we'll walk you through specific, individualized application of your child's results

with a focus on goal-setting, family enhancement, family preservation, and strength-building.

The cost of this session is $390. 




The full cost of the Mental Health Testing & Evaluation of ADHD, including assessment, diagnostic process, and report writing is $1300.

The full cost of the Educational Testing & Evaluation of IQ & Ability, including assessment, diagnostic process, and report writing is $1300.

The full cost of the Combined PsychoEducational, Mental Health Testing & Evaluation of ADHD, IQ, & Ability, including assessment, diagnostic process, and report writing is $1950.​


These fees include the hours when we will meet, time spent scoring and interpreting the assessments, time spent writing a comprehensive report that you will be given, and costs of the standardized assessments needed to complete the evaluation. This fee also reflects our hourly rate of $195/hour and reflects the clinical experience and expertise we draw from in providing a thoughtful, evidence-based, and comprehensive assessment. Families who complete testing with us receive a $50 discount in any parenting classes we offer, including our Parenting Your ADHD Child Parent Education class. 



Will This Tell Us For Sure if Our Child Has ADHD? â€‹


ADHD is not like a blood test that tells you conclusively if you have a certain disease or blood type. 

Instead, a diagnosis of ADHD is based on the analysis and integration of clinical history, responses to standardized inventories, and observations made by important individuals in the child’s life. Our process is based on the most up-to-date research and is informed by our clinical backgrounds of working with children, teens, college students, and their families in school, outpatient, inpatient, and camp settings across the last 20+ years. At the conclusion of your child’s evaluation process, we will assign a DSM-V-TR diagnosis if the data suggests the criteria is present. One of the key areas we will be assessing for is the level of impairment your child and family are experiencing. Rather than “does he have it or not have it,” we want to understand how and how much it may be impacting your child and family’s daily functioning–in school, at home, socially, and otherwise.


How Is Your Process Different From Others?​

All of our providers are trauma-informed, trained in at least 1 or more specific trauma protocols,

have a background working within or closely with schools, including former teachers and

school counselors, & have a strong strengths-based, family-preservation, and family-based approach. What we mean by this is that–outside of family environments that are abusive or neglectful

in ways that are beyond repair–we believe families work best when supported as a unit,

even when divorce or separation is present.

We know that a child with ADHD is not the only one in the family who suffers

from the difficulties that it can create and we believe individuals thrive best when the whole family

is supported with strategies, education, and empowerment.

We don’t just diagnose; we evaluate and we offer concrete solutions aimed at creating more peace, functionality, harmony, and connection for the whole family.

Our expertise in the assessment and treatment of eating disorders also helps us be able to identify when the attention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, rejection sensitivity, emotion/sensory dysregulation

that can be present from ADHD may be manifesting in disordered eating & body image symptoms.

We aim to help families bridge the gap between intention and action in ways that will work better for your child and whole family unit.

We want your family to thrive. 


It’s my kid with the ADHD;

why are you asking so much about me and my parenting?​


ADHD is something you are born with; not something that is caused.

Knowing the genetic underpinnings of ADHD, we recognize it can be helpful

to better understand parent and family functioning.

Knowing how much stress or discord your family may be experiencing will be helpful to us

in identifying whether ADHD is present and to what degree it is present.


Are you going to judge my parenting

or think I’m a bad parent? 

Our goal is never to place judgment on an individual or family.

Outside of true abuse and neglect, we believe there are many “good” ways to parent

and that what might work for one family won’t work for another!

Every family is different and we look forward to learning about

and from the culture of your specific family.

Our hope is to help your family with strategies that enhance your family

and build upon your strengths.

While this may include specific suggestions for change and strategies for improvement,

our goal is to help your family be more of itself; not less. 


What If My Kid Has MenTal Health Concerns Apart From ADHD?

We know how important it is to arrive at the correct diagnosis.

While our assessment process cannot rule out (or rule in) 

EVERY possible concern or condition at play,

we aim to provide as holistic a picture of your child’s patterns

of behavioral and emotional concerns, as possible.

In addition to ADHD, we will screen for a variety of behavioral, emotional, and social concerns, including anxiety, depression and other mood disorders, and conduct problems.

Beyond identifying problematic areas,

we will also highlight areas where your child and/or family demonstrate strengths.


What Ethical Codes & Guidelines

For Testing Do you ABide By?

Our aim with all of our work is to provide ethically sound, evidence-based, relationally informed, effective, & goal-driven assessment, treatment, and support. We feel honored to do this work and always seek to preserve the integrity of the process. The following list of links include some of the important ethical codes and standards for testing & evaluation that we follow.

Standards for Assessment in Mental Health Counseling

Section E of the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics

Rights & Responsibilities of Test Takers

Codes of Fair Testing in Education

Standards for Qualifications of Test Users  â€‹




Greensboro: 2721 Horse Pen Creek Rd,

Unit #104


Raleigh: 4904 Waters Edge, Suite 158


North Carolina: Via Telehealth

Tel: 336.296.8822



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© 2016-2025 Three Birds Counseling & Clinical Supervision PLLC


This page is not intended to convey sensitive information. The contents of this website are provided solely for informational purposes, and are not meant to provide professional medical or psychiatric advice, counseling or services. Always consult a trained mental health professional before making any decision regarding treatment.

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