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Clinical Supervision


So much of who we are as counselors and healers is due to the supervisors we’ve had. Their imprint will forever be on our counseling approach and style. We’d love the opportunity to mentor you as you grow more fully and confidently into the role of counselor.


As your supervisor, we hope to:

Guide you how to not just listen but fully hear your clients

Challenge you to ask the hard questions (of your clients AND of yourself).

Give you courage to take risks in your approach

Cheerlead you when you’re feeling burnt out, sad, and disillusioned with the obstacles your clients face.

Encourage you to bring more of YOU to the role and own your voice as counselor.

Make you feel safe to look at how YOUR stuff may be getting in the way of your clients being able to deal with THEIR stuff.

Help you grow in your professionalism, write clear notes, and use evidence-based treatments.



We’re going to talk about your clients. We’re going to talk about interventions, about theories, about skills. But most importantly, we’re going to talk about you. The good, the bad, the ugly, the wonderfully unique. Like with our counseling clients, we promise to bring our A game, to show up and be willing to dive deep. In return, we ask that you show up, trust the process, and work hard.

Are you a recent graduate or professional looking for heartfelt, individually tailored supervision that will enable you to be an effective and attuned healer?


Are you a therapist who wants to enhance your skills working with eating disorders and work toward becoming a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist through IAEDP? 


We are currently accepting a few new supervisees. 

If you are interested in supervision, send a copy of your resume to:


Supervision meetings can be held face-to-face or virtually, using HIPAA-compliant videoconferencing software. 

Want more specifics about our training and experience?
Read on below:  

Our approach to supervision is founded in our belief in the primacy of the relationship between supervisor and supervisee, as well between counselor and client. As such, much attention is paid to the supervisory relationship and how it mirrors or informs the supervisee’s relationship to her or his client. As a supervisor, we see our role as encouraging supervisees to take an active approach to their learning and development, and in turn guiding them to become clinicians committed to their ongoing growth. As one of our core and guiding principles is our appreciation and value of multiculturalism and diversity, it is important to us that we can create a safe environment for all supervisees to learn and take risks. Thus, supervision interventions are tailored to supervisees’ developmental, cognitive, and conceptual levels, as well as the supervisees’ motivation, skills, and personal/cultural attributes, while ensuring the needs of the client(s) are met. We often employ the use of experiential exercises, expressive arts, and Interpersonal Process Recall. 

Our supervision training during our doctoral programs included an academic course in clinical supervision, five semesters of supervised supervision (individual, triadic, and group) of master’s level students in their clinical practicum, and two semesters of supervised supervision (individual and group) of master’s level counseling students in their clinical internships. During our doctoral programs, we received training in Interpersonal Process Recall. Outside of our doctoral programs, we have also served as site host to master’s level students completing their internships, providing weekly clinical supervision, observing sessions, and reviewing case notes. As faculty members at UNCG, we have provided clinical supervision to master’s and doctoral level students completing their clinical practicum and internship requirements. We have also provided clinical supervision to LPCAs seeking licensure, as well as other helping professionals (e.g., licensed dietitians) looking for guidance and consultation around clinical issues.

Maria is an Approved Supervisor through the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals and helps train clinicians to use weight neutral, weight inclusive, and Intuitive Eating approaches with their clients. Maria is also trained in EMDR & Brainspotting.

Daniel is fluent in Spanish and can help bilingual counselors develop their counselor voice in both languages. Daniel is trained in EMDR.  

Greensboro: 2721 Horse Pen Creek Rd,

Unit #104


Raleigh: 4904 Waters Edge, Suite 158


North Carolina: Via Telehealth

Tel: 336.296.8822



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© 2016-2025 Three Birds Counseling & Clinical Supervision PLLC


This page is not intended to convey sensitive information. The contents of this website are provided solely for informational purposes, and are not meant to provide professional medical or psychiatric advice, counseling or services. Always consult a trained mental health professional before making any decision regarding treatment.

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