This holiday season, as you celebrate or mourn. As you join with others or join solely with yourself, consider honoring your body with the following Bill of Body Rights.

1. You have the right to be in your body, whether it is smaller, larger, or the same size as the last time your loved ones saw you.
2. You have the right to wear what feels comfortable, fun, expressive, and/or appealing (to you) on your body.
3. You have the right to not have your body be a topic of discussion, whether positively or negatively.
4. You have the right to change the subject or leave the room if others engage in diet talk.
5. You have the right to move your body in the ways it needs or wants *just because* (not because you have to compensate for what you did or didn't eat).
6. You have the right to enjoy New Year’s without making a resolution that shrinks or pathologizes your body.